Calm down and Trust the Curriculum Process

 July 20, 2022
6:30 PM

    Our first learning session led by my classmates - Sir Edwin Salazar, Jr. and Sir Leopoul Jeck Valiente started with an asynchronous activity using google form: what are the parts of a lesson plan, define curriculum change and/or reforms, and what are the challenges do you face in designing a lesson plan.  

    We, as a group, answered (1) objectives, (2) subject matter, (3) procedure, (4) evaluation, and (5) assignment, the 5 basic and essential parts of a lesson plan. and if we have to define what curriculum is and its change or reform, it is the process of making changes to the curriculum with the intent of making learning and teaching more meaningful and effective. With this clearly stated, the common problem or challenge faced by teachers in designing a lesson plan is the process itself. The process of creating engaging and relevant motivation activities and doing an assessment of, for, and as learning. 

    The main objectives of this session were to compare the various definitions of curriculum and distinguish curriculum change, reforms, development, design, and materials. And these are successfully presented with clear ideas during the sessions. Although internet connection has affected all of us, we managed to get through the end and experience a rich learning session with our facilitators. 

    If I am to summarize, I can say that teachers are intended to learn these topics and be creative curriculum innovators given limited resources and intricate processes of curriculum change and reform. 

    Different stages of constructing a curriculum and putting it into use were presented in our session today. A curriculum is a plan or proposal designed to help societies meet some educational needs or goals through the agency of their schools. It, therefore, passes through the stages of construction (planning) where choices are made as to what to include it is then developed and implemented, and evaluated to determine the extent to which it has effectively met the needs it was set to satisfy.

    In the end, I saved here the graphic organizer to organize thoughts and new things we learned today with Session 1 Leaders 1.

Different Curriculum Processes
